Thursday, January 21, 2010

Well Well Well.

Considering the amount of crap that has been spewed by Arizona's various representative delegations in the past week, this came as a pleasant surprise.

This undated image provided by Adam Bouska/NOH8 Campaign shows Cindy McCain, the wife of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., posing for the NOH8 campaign. NOH8 is a gay rights group challenging Proposition 8 passed by California voters in 2008 banning same sex marriage. (AP Photo/Adam Bouska/NOH8 Campaign) NO SALES
Cindy McCain, the wife of 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, and their daughter Meghan have posed for photos endorsing pro-gay marriage forces in California.

Mrs. McCain appears with silver duct tape across her mouth and "NOH8" written on one cheek in a photo posted Wednesday to the Web site of NOH8, a gay rights group opposed to Proposition 8. The ballot measure passed by California voters in 2008 bans same-sex marriage.

Cindy McCain contacted NOH8 and offered to pose for the photo endorsement, the Web site said.

That must have made for some fascinating dinnertime conversation in Chez McCain. I wonder if any of their china is left intact. It's almost enough to make me give Cindy a pass for her "the only way to get around Arizona is by small private plane" comment during the campaign. In fact, yes. We have no roads in Arizona. Pass granted!

1 comment:

AMR said...

I was pleasantly surprised to see her show her support so publicly for gay marriage but that photo is a bit high on my creepy scale. Beautiful yet.......creepy.