Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Market Day!

As threatened yesterday, we are celebrating the inaugural Market Day today with moderate festivities that may or may not involve coffee, pumpkin bread, colored lights, and Irish cream. Unless you're the boss, in which case absolutely no Irish cream came to visit except in our imagination.


The rest of the festivities involve writing archaeology reports, which, I am happy to confirm, do tend to get finished much faster when the writing process is accompanied by coffee, pumpkin bread, colored lights, and not-Irish-cream.


I confess that I didn't wait for Market Day to do my Thanksgiving dinner shopping, instead knocking it out last night in a fit of pique. Granted, it was only a bag of potatoes and two trays of rolls, but it's finished, and I may spend the evening making rum balls for Christmas instead. As for the big meal itself, my girlfriend is back east visiting her college-mired daughter, so I will be dining with my son, my ex, his wife, her kids, her mom, and her gay brother. Then the next night is dinner and drinks with my girlfriend's ex and his girlfriend. All in all, a pretty traditional lesbian Thanksgiving.

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