Monday, October 15, 2007

Desert Museum Comes to Senses

After a day-long kerfuffle, the Desert Museum has decided to ignore the True AmericansTM who have been screaming about the Mexican flag flying next to Old Glory and put both flags back on display. They will also be adding a map explaining that most of the desert the museum is dedicated to is actually located in Mexico.
"Our work is not about border issues, it's not about immigration issues," said Robert Edison, executive administrative director of the museum. "It's about helping people understand that the Sonoran Desert exists in two countries."

But the museum is increasing its spending on security, and will work with local law enforcement to develop protocol for dealing with threats to its staff or animals in the future.

1 comment:

Vitor Oliveira Jorge said...

I love deserts.
Do you know my blog?
I am a Portuguese archaeiologist and poet
Best regards