Sunday, September 21, 2008

Eggs for a Sad World

After 48 hours of an eye-popping headache, during which I mainlined Excedrin, Advil, and Irish Breakfast tea every couple of hours just to remain functional, food did not sound at all good. Watching Notre Dame-Michigan State did not help in the slightest. However, this worked pretty well and left me wishing I'd made more:

Saute in a bit of hot oil until onions are soft:
1 clove of garlic, more or less, crushed
2 slabs of sweet onion, chopped

1 Roma tomato, chopped
2 cups fresh spinach, chopped
4-5 basil leaves, finely slivered

Cook over medium heat until spinach is wilty and most of the liquid from the tomatoes has cooked off.

Scramble two eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper and dump over vegetables in skillet. Cook, tossing around a little, until eggs are almost set. Add a sprinkle of mozzarella and flop around until cheese is melted and eggs are set to your liking.

Flip onto a plate with a triumphant flourish and nom nom nom.

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